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Model/Resource Documentation

The following describes the tables/models comprising our relational database. Each model features a short description noting its purpose and key fields. A table listing field names, datatypes, and a short description of each field is also included. The Dockets, PublicComments, and Documents tables mimic the tables, while the NLP Output table is our data generated based on the data tables that is used to populate the website. Where adequate NLP output can't be generated due to data sparsity, information from PublicComments and Documents is used.


Dockets represents collections of documents relevant to a proposed rule or notice. A given docket can contain documents available for commenting that represent the proposed rule change along with supplementary documents, such as a cost-benefit analysis, that support the proposed rule.

Since the dockets themselves are unavailable to comment on (only the documents contained within can recieve comments), we chose to collect only enough information to link docments to a docket (via the id field ) and other basic information (date, posting agency).

Name Type Description
id PrimaryKey (Dockets) UUID for a docket
docketType CharField Type of docket (i.e. Rulemaking, Nonrulemaking)
lastModifiedDate DateTime Date docket was last updated
agencyID CharField ID of agency who posted docket
objectID CharField UUID for API response object


PublicComments represents an individual comment posted to a document. Each comment features its own UUID (id) and is linked to its corresponding document by the document id (also links this table to the Documents table). Each comment is represented by the text of the comment, along with any available information collected by on the comment. This data describes both the comment, such as whether the comment was withdrawn by the user, if the commented was posted to a restricted document (only open to certain agencies or interest groups), or the number of comments that feature the same text.

This table also stores data on individuals who posted a comment, including their name, location, and organization.

Name Type Description
id PrimaryKey (Comment) UUID for a document
commentOn CharField Document the commnent is posted to
document ForeignKey (Documents) Document ID a comment is posted to
duplicateComments IntegerField Number of duplicate comments
stateProvinceRegion CharField State or province a comment is posted from
subtype CharField Classifier for source of comment (e.g Member of Congress, Mass Mail Campaign)
objectId CharField UUID for API response object
comment TextField Text of comment
firstName CharField First name of commenter
lastName CharField Last name of commenter
address1 CharField First line of commenter's address
address2 CharField Second line of commenter's address
city CharField City of the commenter's address
country CharField Commenter's country
email EmailField Email address of commenter
phone CharField Phone number of commenter
govAgency CharField Agency receiving comments
govAgencyType CharField Type of agency receiving comments
organization CharField Commenter's organization
originalDocumentId CharField document ID
modifyDate DateTime Date the comment was last modified
pageCount IntegerField Number of pages for the comment
postedDate DateTime Date the comment was inital posted
receiveDate DateTime Date comment was recieved by posting agency
title CharField Title of the commenter
withdrawn Boolean Bool if the comment was withdrawn
reasonWithdrawn CharField User submitted reason a comment was withdrawn
zip charField Zip code of the commenter
restrictReasonType CharField If document has been restricted for comment to certain users
restrictReason CharField Summary of reason for comment restriction


Documents stores metadata on documents that can have comments posted to. To minimize our data intake, CivicLens only collects documents labeled as open-for-comment by the federal government. This does not mean that every document we collect features posted comments, but that some subset of the public is able to comment on each document. Each document also stores a URL to the Federal Register's XML version of the full document text (fullTextXmlUrl). This is used to extract the full text of the proposed rule which is not available through summary contains the plain English summary of the rule written by the Federal government which will be available on our site under the /documents endpoint.

Name Type Description
id PrimaryKey (Documents) UUID for a document
documentType CharField Type of document (i.e. Proposed Rule, Notice)
lastModifiedDate DateTime Date document was last updated
withdrawn BooleanField Boolean if the documentment was withdrawn
agencyID CharField ID of agency who posted document
commentEndDate DateTime End date of document commenting period
commentStartDate DateTime Start date of document commenting period
objectId CharField UUID for API response object
fullTextXmlUrl URL Link to Federal Registar's XML text of rule
subAgy CharField Relevant office or department of posting agency
agencyType CharField Name of posting agency (e.g. FDA)
CRF CharField Code of Federal Regulations number
RIN CharField Regulation Identification Number used by Federal Register
title CharField document title
summary TextField Plain English summary of document
furtherInformation TextField Additional information provided with document

NLP Output

The NLP Output table stores the information generated by the NLP pipeline that is run by our website. There is one row for each document in the database which contains information on representative comments, new titles, sentiment, and more. This data is used to populate the search and document pages on the website with relevant information about a document.

Name Type Description
document_id OneToOneField (Documents) UUID for a document
comments JSONField Representative comments that can be form letters or unique comments
doc_plain_english_title CharField AI generated simple title for a document
num_total_comments IntegerField Number of all comments on a document
num_unique_comments IntegerField Number of unique submissions including types of form letters
num_representative_comment IntegerField Number of representative comments
topics JSONField NLP generated topics for the document from the representative comments
num_topics IntegerField Number of topics identified
last_updated DateTimeField Last time the NLP was updated for the document
created_at DateTimeField Time the document was created
search_topics TextField NLP generated topics for the django search to reference
is_representative BooleanField Does the document have representative comments