Initial search page. Provides search bar and showcases trending topics or recently uploaded documents for users to click on.
- topics: list of trending topics to display
Example: /search/?topics=gun_control+abortion+covid-19+healthcare
Response: HTML page with search bar and trending topics.
Shows search results, ways to sort and filter results, along with search bar for user to enter new search terms.
- sort: by_date, by_num_comments (order number of posted comments)
- filter:
- by_agency (eg. FDA, HUD)
- if_comment (whether a document has comment posted to it)
- doc_type (All, Notice, Proposed Rule, etc)
Example: /search_result/?sort=by_date&by_agency=FDA&if_comment=true&doc_type=all
Response: HTML page with search bar and search results (list of documents). Infinitive scroll container for displaying resulting documents.